Transformational Keys to Success


Transformative Change in Telecommunications

Building “Networks of the Future”

through Automated Intelligence

The World Economic Forum reviewed the Telecommunications Industry and observed that while “The telecommunications (telecom) industry is playing a critical role in enabling th[e] digital revolution unfolding around us … in what has been termed the Forth Industrial Revolution … Operator’s share of the industry profit pool has declined … and is forecast[ed] to [continue to] drop.”

“The next decade of digitization will look markedly different from the past and companies across the industry will need to be well-prepared to take advantage of the sweeping transformation…” (See the World Economic Forum, “Digital Transformation Initiative – Telecommunications Industry” White Paper). The initiative went on to identify core themes and initiatives that firms could implement that they expect would have the biggest positive impact on telecom providers.

While Automated Intelligence (AI) does not provide all elements required for this transformation, it delivers core capabilities that are key to the success of any such initiative. The two most significant elements of the transformation required building “Networks of the Future” and driving revenue streams “Beyond the Pipe” (basic connectivity).  Networks of the Future consisted of “creating self-optimizing and secure zero-touch networks”. This would need to be accomplished using software which would autonomously customize or adapt the network to meet demand in a flexible, reliable and secure manner.  Further, they identified the need to support “IT-like” API-based interfaces through software-defined networking, and network function virtualization and other cloud-like technologies.

To expand revenues beyond the pipe they described the need of operators to advance their capabilities towards establishing a platform with the associated integration and analytics capabilities needed to unleash the real power of IoT and other key digital transformations. “However, achieving success in these new markets and services will require telecom operators and ecosystem players to build entirely new capabilities and offerings – from analytics and cloud services to systems integration and APIs.”

AI has innovated the state-of-the-art for these deep analytical-driven, API-based, cloud-like capabilities for both supercomputing and cloud computing and is now enabling them across the networking / telecommunications industry.

Below are a few of these capabilities that are Key to the success of these transformational initiatives.

  • Software-defined Systems/Platforms
  • Predictive Analytics
  • Autonomic: Self-Optimizing & Self-Healing
  • Real-time Provisioning
  • Service Level Enforcement & Charging
  • On-Demand End User & Admin Portals
  • Mission Critical Resiliency and Scalability
  • Hardened Cyber Security

Number of Connected Devices by 2025


Annual Growth of Broadband Speeds


Telco Operators Loss of Industry Profits Since 2010 (58% to 45%)

Number of Calls to Get Started